University of Virginia Library



No, no, my boy! let others sweat
And wrangle in the courts;
Their Pleas are most unpleasing things;
You cannot trust Reports!
Although the law of literature
May your attention draw,
I'm very sure you would n't like
The Literature of Law!
Justinian's Novels don't compare
With those of Walter Scott;
They 've very little sentiment,
And deuce a bit of plot!
When Coke on Littleton came down,
He served him right; but who
Would say it were a civil thing
To set them both on you?
In Blackstone there is much, I own,
Well worthy of regard;
But then, my boy, like other stones,
You'll find him precious hard!
Sir William Jones is very well,
As every scholar knows;
But read, my lad, his poetry,
And never mind his prose.
Though Angell tempt you, heed him not;
For Satan, to his shame,
Full oft, to further wicked ends,
Employs a seraph's name!
Though Aiken may be very wise,
Pray what is that to you?
His reader will be apt to find
That he is achin' too!
There 's Story now, the lawyers say,
Is very fine indeed;
I only know he 's not the kind
Young fellows like to read!
And as for Cruise, though much admired,
You 'd better let him be,
And use, instead, the milder sort
That people take at sea!
No, no, my boy! let others sweat
And wrangle in the courts;
There 's nothing pleasing in a Plea;
You cannot trust Reports!
Although the law of literature
May your attention draw,
I'm very sure you would n't like
The Literature of Law!