University of Virginia Library


Stand up for Queen and country, stand
For Holy Church and swear
To guard the honour of the land,
The heritage we bear;
Through broadening ages handed down
From noble sire to son,
The brightest jewel in the crown,
And for all nations won;


Gained on red field and tossing flood
And by the poet's pen,
Built up of iron deeds and blood
With golden lives of men.
Stand up for union and the tie
Which married sea and earth,
And with the love that cannot die
Brought liberty to birth;
Our history is one, our fame
Flows from a common spring,
Our perils ever were the same
When swords began to ring;
Together have we fronted need
To prove our friendship then,
And sown the world with precious seed—
The golden lives of men.
Stand up for justice and the truth
Which with its beacon light
Gives those that ask eternal youth
And buttresses the right;
Which metes to each a measure fair
And for no favour bends,
But universal as the air
With our own being blends;
Which with the music of its chime
Illumes the darkest den,
And leaves as charters for all time
The golden lives of men.
Stand up for empire, and the trust
To set the kingdoms free,
Because we have the might and must
And own our God's decree;
That we may carry peace and law
Along our blessed way,
The shadow of our England's awe,
Which brighter is than day;
While we prepare with righteous will
A higher creed and ken,


Who grudge not (if we conquer ill)
The golden lives of men.