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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[How Enagora kyng of Cipre was bi Artaxerses outraied/and put from his kyngdam.]

Folwyng in ordre the processe of Bochas,
As he remembreth next in his writyng,
To hym appeerede, rehersyng þus þe cas,
Enagora, that was of Cipre kyng,
His eyen derkid be manyfold weepyng,
Because he hadde loste that riche lond,
Which he toforn hadde conquered with his hond.
This lond of Cipre, as maad is mencioun,
Of dyuers metallis is passyngli habounde,
Hath of richesse gret plente and foisoun;
And of his siht[e], lik as it is founde,
It stant fer south, with many hilles rounde,
And hath also many commodites
Withynne his boundis off toun[e]s & cites.


Touchyng this Cipre I can no mor seie,
Of which[e] lond Enagora was kyng,
Til he gan proudli for to werreie
With Lacedemonoys, ther parti sustenyng,
Geyn Artaxerses; & at ther meetyng
The said Enagora was brouht to outraunce,
Put from his kyngdam & from al gouernaunce.