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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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Gordon & King.


Gordon & King.

There are but few callings which
offer to their successful followers so
many unalloyed pleasures as that
of the florist. In the front rank of
those most actively engaged in it in
Charlottesville stands the old and
reliable firm of Gordon & King
whose conservatory is located at 115
Fourteenth street N. W., University
Station. The greenhouses are fitted
up with everything requisite for the
successful cultivation of flowers and
plants including the latest improved
heating apparatus whereby an
equable temperature is maintained
throughout all seasons. Gordon &
King are prepared to furnish at short
notice floral designs of every description,
fine roses and cut flowers, giving
special attention to supplying receptions
and funerals. Rosebuds and
violets are a leading specialty also
flowering, foliage and vegetable plants
in great variety. They have been in
business here for about twenty years
and during all this time they have
held a splendid reputation for honest
business methods and square dealing.
The trade is very extensive and extends
from New York to Alabama and
well it should grow and continue to
increase for it is well worthy of the
splendid patronage it receives.

All days come that are to be.—Dickens.