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Fruits of Retirement

Or, Miscellaneous Poems, Moral and Divine. Being Some Contemplations, Letters, &c. Written on a Variety of Subjects and Occasions. By Mary Mollineux ... To which is Prefixed, Some Account of the Author

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Dat veniam Corvis, vexat censura Columbis


Dat veniam Corvis, vexat censura Columbis

What a Succession of Delusion's here,
Whilst Righteous Reason is dethron'd!
Shall Darkness thus cover our Hemisphere?
Ah! Must no other Law be own'd,
But a depraved Will, that still inclines
To choose the worst, and leave the best;
Disdaining to observe the Sun, that shines
Within the Conclave of the Breast?
Why, both in former and more modern Days,
Should Vertue, as an henious Crime,
Be prosecuted! Lest its Conquering Rays,
Through the whole Universe should shine,
And thence dispel the horrid Shades of Night,
That does surround poor Mortals, so
That till this, rising, undeceive the Sight,
They wound their Friend, and spare their Foe:
Striking at pure unspotted Innocence,
Condemning true Sincerity,
As Malefactors, guilty of Offence;
Whilst Barabbas hath Liberty
Granted by common Suffrage: Birds of Prey
And Rapine, may uncensur'd tear
The harmless Doves; and who dare that gainsay?
But unto these, (Oh) how severe!


Yet have some few been rais'd in ev'ry Age,
Led by a Spark of Light and Love
Divine, which, as in secret, did engage
To plead a little for the Dove;
At least, to manifest their Discontent,
As none of the Confed'racy;
That they might either limit or prevent
The Progress of such Tyranny;
And, like the wise Gamaliel, intercede
With sober Caution, to beware,
Lest some thereby the Prince of Heav'n invade,
And cast themselves into a Snare;
Yea, Launch thereby into the sad Abyss
Of Endless Wo and Misery;
Except, Reclaim'd by such Advice as this,
They learn to shew more Clemency.