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Final Honors

Final Honors are conferred only on graduation, and the diploma of B.A. or
B.S. with Final Honors states that the honors were won in a given academic

A student who wishes to attain Final Honors must be accepted as a candidate
for honors two sessions before graduation. Any student who has met the
requirements for the Dean's List for two sessions may apply to become a candidate
for Final Honors. Application must be made first to the Dean, and, if
approved by him, must also be approved by one of the academic schools which
offer work for honors. A list of such schools is published annually.

Final honors are conferred on the basis of a final comprehensive examination,
both oral and written, on some field of knowledge, and not for work done
in any or all of the regular courses required for a baccalaureate degree. Honors
work involves wide and independent reading for two years, under the general
direction of the professors of an academic school. It does not require regular
attendance upon lectures or the passing of any tests or examinations, except the
final examinations, though consultations and reports may be required. Its aim is
the development of a capacity for scholarly work in a field of knowledge, rather
than a mastery of required details of subject matter.

The completion of work for Final Honors may be counted as credit towards
a B.A. or cultural B.S. degree in lieu of 6 session-hours of Electives-at-Large or
Major-Electives. In the event that the work for honors is not of sufficiently high
quality for Final Honors to be conferred, 6 session-hours' credit toward a degree
without honors may be granted upon recommendation of the academic school in