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and Satyricall Epigrams: With Certaine Observations at Black-Fryers: By H: F: [i.e. Henry Fitzgeffrey]

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Look next to him to, One we both know well,
(Sir Iland Hunt) a Trauailer that will tell
Of stranger Things then Tatterd Tom ere li't of,
Then Pliny, or Heroditus e're writ of:
How he a remnant lately brought with him

Of Iacobs Ladder from Ierusalem:
At the Barmodies how the Fishes fly.
Of Lands inriched by a Lottery.
Of Affricke, Ægypt: with strange Monsters fild,
Such as nere Noahs Arke: nere Eden held.
And rarer Rarities, then all of these:
Iust now to bee discouered (if yee please!)
Such as woo'd make a Blind-man fond to see:
Conuicted Gallants loose their hopes and flie,
Most younger Brothers fell their Lands to buy,
Guyanian Plumes: like Icarus to fly.