University of Virginia Library

For Graduates and Undergraduates.

Course 2C: Analytical Mechanics: The class meets three times
a week and makes a systematic study of analytical mechanics.
Mechanics 1B and Mathematics 2B give the necessary preliminary
training. The Fall Term deals with Analytical Statics; the Winter
Term with the Dynamics of a Particle; the Spring Term with the
Dynamics of a Rigid Body. The fundamental principles of the
science are applied not only to the classical problems of centers of
gravity, moments of inertia, harmonic motion, projectile motion,
planetary motion, and so on; but also to questions drawn from the
Kinematics of Machines, the Dynamics of the Steam Engine, the
Balancing of Single and Coupled Engines, and others arising in the
applications of Mathematics to Engineering. Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, 11-12. Mechanical Laboratory.