University of Virginia Library

For Undergraduates.

Course 1B: General Mechanics: This class meets three times
a week. The Fall Term is devoted to a preliminary study of General
Mechanics, in which the fundamental doctrines of motion, force, and
energy are discussed and applied to the simpler problems of the
Dynamics of a Particle, the Statics of Particles and Rigid Bodies,
and the Dynamics of Revolving and Rolling Solids.


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In the Winter Term the methods of Graphical Statics are studied
and applied to the analysis of the simpler forms of roofs, bridges,
beams, and masonry structures. The elementary ideas of the
Strength of Materials are also taught.

The Spring Term is given to the study of Hydrostatics, with
simple problems on the pressure of water and of air, and their applications
in the construction and use of the barometer, the hydrometer,
the hydrostatic press, and so on. The elements of Hydraulics are
also taught.

For the successful pursuit of this course the class in Mathematics
3B must be taken parallel with it, unless the student has already had
the equivalent training. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 1-2. Mechanical