The songs of The Old Testament, Translated into English Measures preseruing the Naturall Phrase and genuine Sense of the holy Text: and with as little circumlocution as in most prose Translations. To euery Song is added a new and easie Tvne, and a short Prologue also, deliuering the effect and Vse thereof, for the profit of vnlearned Readers. By George Wither |
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THE Prayer of Nehemiah. |
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![]() | The songs of The Old Testament, Translated into English Measures | ![]() |
THE Prayer of Nehemiah.
Nehem. I. 5.
The Song.
Lord God of heauen, thou that art,
The mighty God, and full of feare,
Who neuer promise-breaker wert,
But euer shewing mercy where,
They doe affection beare to thee,
And of thy lawes obseruers be.
The mighty God, and full of feare,
Who neuer promise-breaker wert,
But euer shewing mercy where,
They doe affection beare to thee,
And of thy lawes obseruers be.
Giue eare, and lift thine eyes I pray,
That heard thy seruants suit may be,
Made in thy presence night and day;
For Israels seed, that serueth thee:
For Israels seed; who (I confesse)
Against thee grieuously transgresse.
That heard thy seruants suit may be,
Made in thy presence night and day;
For Israels seed, that serueth thee:
For Israels seed; who (I confesse)
Against thee grieuously transgresse.
I, and my fathers house did sinne,
Against thy will haue we misdone;
Our dealing hath corrupted bin,
Law, or decree obseru'd we none:
Not those Commands, which to keepe fast
Thou charg'd thy seruant Moses hast.
Against thy will haue we misdone;
Our dealing hath corrupted bin,
Law, or decree obseru'd we none:
Not those Commands, which to keepe fast
Thou charg'd thy seruant Moses hast.
Oh! yet remember I thee pray,
These words which thou didst heretofore
Vnto thy seruant Moses say,
If ere (saidst thou) they vexe me more,
I will disperse them here and there
Among the nations euery where.
These words which thou didst heretofore
Vnto thy seruant Moses say,
If ere (saidst thou) they vexe me more,
I will disperse them here and there
Among the nations euery where.
But if to me they shall conuert,
To doe those things my lawes containe,
Though spread to heauen's extreamest part
I would collect them thence againe,
And bring them there to make repose
Whereas to place my name I chose.
To doe those things my lawes containe,
Though spread to heauen's extreamest part
I would collect them thence againe,
And bring them there to make repose
Whereas to place my name I chose.
Now these thy people are of right,
The seruants who to thee belong,
Whom thou hast purchast by thy might
And by thine Arme, exceeding strong.
O let thine eare LORD I thee pray
Attentiue be to what I say.
The seruants who to thee belong,
Whom thou hast purchast by thy might
And by thine Arme, exceeding strong.
O let thine eare LORD I thee pray
Attentiue be to what I say.
The prayer of thy seruant heare,
Oh heare thy seruants when they pray,
(Who haue a will thy name to feare.)
Thy seruant prosper thou to day:
And be thou pleas'd to grant that he
In this mans sight may fauour'd be.
Oh heare thy seruants when they pray,
(Who haue a will thy name to feare.)
Thy seruant prosper thou to day:
And be thou pleas'd to grant that he
In this mans sight may fauour'd be.
![]() | The songs of The Old Testament, Translated into English Measures | ![]() |