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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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Don Hieronymo Sant-Perez, to George of Montemayor.
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Don Hieronymo Sant-Perez, to George of Montemayor.

Parnasse, O sacred mount and full of glorie,
The Poets muse, delight of their desires:
Me thinkes thou art too comfortlesse and sorie,
Compar'd with this, whose famous name aspires.
In deede J am, since that the Muses left me,
And with their gracious Quire from hence descended
To mount this Hill, whose Greatnes hath bereft me
Of all my fame, and glorie that is ended.
Thrise happie his Diana, since her flower
In top of this High Hill was set so lately,
That all the world might view it euery hower,
Where she doth liue most soueraigne and stately:
In all the world most celebrate and graced,
Being no lesse excelse, then highly placed.