University of Virginia Library


Terms of Office—Amounts of Bonds and Compensation of Public

1. All officers elected by the council shall be chosen at the
first regular meeting held by said council after its election and
qualification. Their terms of office shall commence on the
day of their qualification and continue till the election and
qualification of their successors.

2. If from any cause the election of any such officer be
not held on the regular day of such election, it shall be held
thereafter as soon as possible and shall have precedence over
all other business.

3. The amounts of bonds of public officers shall be from
time to time fixed by the councils, and until changed shall be
as follows: The penalty of the bond of treasurer, $8,000; of
the collector, $5,000; of the sergeant, $1,000.

4. The salaries or the compensation of public officers shall
be from time to time fixed by the councils, and until changed
shall be as follows: For the mayor, $350 per year; for the
clerk and treasurer, $400; sergeant, or chief of police, $530;
assistant police, $40 per month; collector, five per cent. on collections,
except gas bills, on which two per cent. will be allowed;
commissioner of streets, $300; health officer, $60; overseer
of the poor, $100; physician to the poor, $75; superintendent
of the cemeteries, $100; superintendent of the gas works,
$900 per year.