University of Virginia Library


Streets, &c.

1. The town shall provide for keeping its streets in good
order and provide for its own poor, and it hereby claims the
immunities provided in the 33 section of chapter 217 of the
act of the General Assembly of Virginia as amended by act
1871-2, to provide a new charter for the town of Charlottesville,
approved March 28th, 1871.

2. Whenever a new pavement or sidewalk shall be ordered
to be made by the council, the town shall cause the curb
to be put down, and the owner of the property along the boundary
of which said side-walk shall extend, shall be required to
pay the cost of constructing the same.

3. In the erection of buildings, walls, fences or other structures
within the town, the builder or contractor shall not have
the use of more than one-third of the street and sidewalk in
front of the lot on which the same is to be erected; but in no
case shall the sidewalk be obstructed except so far as may be
necessary for putting up scaffolding for the erection of the
building. And the use of said one-third of the street shall
not in any case be allowed longer than a reasonable time for
the erection of the building, and thereupon the builder or contractor
shall remove the said obstructions, and any damage
done to said sidewalk or street by said builders or contractors
shall be repaired by them. Should any such person
fail to comply with this requirement, he shall be fined not less
than $5 nor more than $10 for each day's obstruction of such
street or sidewalk, or failure to repair the same.

4. It shall not be lawful for any person to place or cause
to be placed any goods, wares, merchandise, wood, coal, plank,
boxes, barrels or other property more than 2½ feet from the
wall of his building, or in or upon or on the side of any street
or sidewalk of the town, and permit the same to remain
longer than is actually necessary for its removal. Nor shall it
be lawful for any person to permit any goods, wares, or merchandise,
wood, coal, plank, boxes, barrels or other property to
remain on the sidewalks of said town in front of his premises
between sunset and sunrise, and any person violating this ordinance


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shall be fined not less than $1 and not more than $5
for each offense. Provided that any owner or occupant of
property may erect a mounting block not more than three feet
long and fifteen inches wide.

5. If any person shall place or hang any goods, wares,
merchandise, or swinging signs over any street or sidewalk,
less than 7½ feet above the same, he shall be fined not less
than $1 and not more than $5 for each offence.

6. No political flag pole shall be erected in any of the
streets of the town and no political procession shall be allowed
inside of the corporation of the town, nor shall it be lawful for
any military company to march or parade through the streets
of the town during the night time.

7. It shall not be lawful for any person to deposit the
sweepings of his store house, dwelling, shop or other building,
or any paper, ashes, slops, garbage, damaged fruit, water-melon
rinds, or other filth or obnoxious matter, or allow chips or
trash from wood-cutting to remain upon any street, alley or
sidewalk, or in any gutter or drain of the town. Any person
violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than $1 and not
more than $5 for each offence.

8. It shall not be lawful for any persons to congregate on
any sidewalk or crossing in such a manner as to hinder or obstruct
any person walking along the same, and it shall be the
duty of the police to keep the crossings clear and the sidewalks
open for the passage of persons using the same. Any
person violating this ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined
not exceeding $5. This ordinance, at the discretion of the
mayor, may be suspended on public occasions.

9. It shall not be lawful for any person to loaf or loiter
upon any pavement or sidewalk in the town to the annoyance
of the occupant of any property along the same. Any person
found so loafing or loitering shall, upon the complaint of such
occupant, be arrested by the police and upon conviction before
the mayor shall be fined not more than $5 for each offence.

10. If the owner or driver, or the person having charge of
any wagon, cart, dray, carriage or other vehicle shall suffer
the horse or horses, or other animal attached thereto, to run
away with the same in this town through any negligence or
want of proper care; or shall suffer such animal or animals to
stand on any street or alley in this town without being properly
fastened by the bridle or reins, or without having some person
to watch the same and prevent their starting, every person
so offending shall pay a fine of not less than $1 nor more
than $5 for each offence.

11. No person shall gallop any horse, mare, gelding, mule
or ass, or ride or drive such animal at an improper or dangerous


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speed within the town; and any person offending herein
shall pay a fine of not less than $1 nor more than $5 for each

12. No person shall lead, ride, or drive any horse, mare,
gelding mule or ox, or drive any cart, dray, wagon, carriage or
wheelbarrow on any pavement in this town, unless it be in entering
or leaving his premises, under a penalty of not less
than $1 and not more than $5 for each offence.

13. If any person shall exhibit any stallion or jack, otherwise
than in harness or under saddle, within the corporate
limits, he shall be fined not less than $5 and not more than
$10 for each offence.

14. It shall not be lawful for any person to obstruct any
street or sidewalk within the town, or to endanger any citizen
by throwing stones, using sling-shots, playing ball or by any
other occupation. Any person violating this ordinance shall
be fined not less than fifty cents for each offence.

15. No person using or occupying any cellar, the door of
which is in any street or sidewalk in this town, shall allow
such door to remain open unless the same is properly guarded
by a railing or grating covering the whole opening in such
street or sidewalk, and every violation of this ordinance shall
be punished by a fine of not less than $5 for each offence.