University of Virginia Library


On the evening of December 10, 1952, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds met in conference
with Mr. Black and Mr. Darden and prepared the following recommendations regarding the assignment
of Pavilions

1. That a policy be established providing representation on the Lawn from each of the
six schools: College and Graduate Studies, Law, Medicine, Engineering, Education, and Business
Administration. A precedent for this policy was established by the original assignment of Pavilions
on the Lawn to Professors who were heads of the several schools.

2. Only full professors to be eligible, that deans be given perferential consideration,
and that seniority shall be given consideration along with other factors.

3. That the College, being larger than the other schools, be assigned two additional

4. That Professor J. W. Beams, being a representative of the College and also qualifying
in order of seniority, be assigned to Pavilion III, known as the Graduate House.

5. That Pavilion VI, known as the Romance Pavilion, and Pavilion II, soon to be vacated
by Dean Ivey Lewis, be reserved for schools not now represented on the Lawn.

6. That no Pavilion be designated for any particular school.

Committee on Buildings and Grounds