University of Virginia Library

Session of the Visitors.

On October 15, at 2 p. m., the Board of
Visitors held their regular fall meeting
at the University. Those present were
Messrs. A. C. Gordon, rector; B. F. Buchanan,
J. W. Craddock, Daniel Harmon,
Eppa Hunton, Jr., R. W. Moore, and J.
K. M. Norton. Much routine business
was disposed of; and, under a special
head, the chair of Economic Geology
recently established was by unanimous
vote designated the "William Barton
Rogers Chair of Economic Geology," in
recognition of the eminent and devoted
service to the University and the State
of the late Professor William B. Rogers.

The recent retirement from active
teaching of Professor Francis H. Smith,
after fifty-seven years of continuous service,
has been attended by various fitting
expressions of the esteem in which the
venerable educator is held by all who
have know him as either teacher or friend.
Not the least nor the least fitting among
these expressions was the presentation,
within the past month or two, of a handsome
loving cup by the members of his
classes of last year—his last classes.