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Professor Hough's Courses in Physiology.

The following courses in physiology,
for students of medicine, are offered by
Professor Theodore Hough.

1. Physiological Chemistry. — Given
during the third term of the first year.
Fifteen hours weekly of lectures, recitations,
and laboratory work. Open only
to students who have had the courses in
chemistry given to medical students in
the first two terms of the first year by
Professors Mallet and Bird, or their equivalents.
The course is designed to make
the student acquainted with the composition
and reactions of the more important
compounds met with in the study of
the functions of the animal body, and is
prerequisite to the second year's work in
physiology. Abundant laboratory facilities
are provided.

2. The Physiology of the Animal
Body.—Given during the second year.
Four hours weekly of lectures and recitations
throughout the year; six hours
weekly of laboratory work during the
fall and winter terms. For admission to
this course, physiological chemistry and
histology are prerequisite. The course
covers the ground of the physiology of
the various functions of the animal body
—muscle, nerve, the central nervous system
and sense organs, circulation, respiration,
digestion, secretion, excretion,
and nutrition. The applications of physiology
to personal hygiene are discussed
in conferences.