University of Virginia Library



Virtue dwells in Arden's vale;
There her hallow'd temples rise;
There her incense greets the skies,
Grateful as the morning gale;
There, with humble Peace, and her,
Lives the happy Villager;
There, the golden smiles of morn
Brighter every field adorn;
There the sun's declining ray
Fairer paints the parting day:
There the woodlark louder sings,
Zephyr moves on softer wings,
Groves in greener honours rise,
Purer azure spreads the skies;
There the fountains clearer flow,
Flowers in brighter beauty blow;
For, with Peace and Virtue, there
Lives the happy Villager.
Distant still from Arden's vale
Are the woes the bad bewail;


Distant fell Remorse, and Pain,
And Frenzy smiling o'er her chain!
Grief's quick pang, Despair's dead groan,
Are in Arden's vale unknown:
For with Peace and Virtue, there
Lives the happy Villager!
In his hospitable cell,
Love, and Truth, and Freedom dwell;
And, with aspect mild and free,
The graceful nymph, Simplicity.
Hail, ye liberal graces, hail!
Natives all of Arden's vale:
For, with Peace and Virtue, there
Lives the happy Villager.