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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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Againe, of the same.
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Againe, of the same.

And yet blinde Iustice sees her Sword to sheath,
if any offer her a Sheath of Gold;
Nay, high and hardy Hands oft sincke beneath
the abiect Gift and Giuer, to vphold.
There's nought more free than gift: yet nought more ties
the Hand, that takes them, to the Giuers will:
And yet (ah woe therefore) some godly-wise,
take Gifts, as good: and giue, as gifts were ill.
Were I a Diuell, yet were I liberall,
(in this damn'd Age) I would be seru'd with Saints:


For, if I sent bright Angels to them all,
they would adore me, maugre all restraints:
But, were I God, if Gold were not my Friend,
Pure Saints, in shew, would lothe me like a Fiend.