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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Aristotle, Politics, Loeb Classical Library (London, 1932);
idem, Politics, trans. Ernest Barker (Oxford, 1948); idem,
Nicomachean Ethics, Loeb Classical Library (London, 1939).
Association of Bar of City of New York, Report of Special
Committee on Federal Loyalty-Security Program
(New York,
1956). Alan Barth, Government by Investigation (New York,
1955); idem, The Loyalty of Free Men (New York, 1951).
Edward L. Barrett, The Tenney Committee (Ithaca, 1951).
Eleanor Bontecou, The Federal Loyalty-Security Program
(Ithaca, 1953). Irving Brant, The Bill of Rights (Indianapolis,
1965). Ralph S. Brown, Jr., Loyalty and Security (New
Haven, 1958). William F. Buckley, Jr., The Committee and
Its Critics
(New York, 1962). Robert K. Carr, The House
Committee on Un-American Activities 1945-1950
1952). Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Free Speech in the United
(Cambridge, Mass., 1941). Lawrence H. Chamberlain,
Loyalty and Legislative Action (Ithaca, 1951). Cicero, De
senectute, de amicitia, de divinatione,
Loeb Classical Library
(London and Cambridge, Mass., 1923; 1959). Vern Country-
man, Un-American Activities in the State of Washington...
(Ithaca, 1951). Merle Curti, The Roots of American Loyalty
(New York, 1946). Charles P. Curtis, The Oppenheimer Case
(New York, 1955). Epictetus, Discourses, 2 vols., Loeb Clas-
sical Library (London and Cambridge, Mass., 1925, 1928;
1956). David P. Gardner, The California Oath Controversy
(Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1967). Walter Gellhorn, Security,
Loyalty, and Science
(Ithaca, 1950). Milton M. Gordon,
Assimilation in American Life (New York, 1964). Morton
Grodzins, The Loyal and the Disloyal (Chicago, 1956).
Sidney Hook, Heresy, Yes—Conspiracy, No (New York,
1953). Harold M. Hyman, To Try Men's Souls (Berkeley and
Los Angeles, 1959). Oscar Jaszi and John D. Lewis, Against
the Tyrant
(Glencoe, Ill., 1957). The Earl Jowitt, The Strange
Case of Alger Hiss
(London, 1953). Horace M. Kallen, Cul-
ture and Democracy in the United States
(New York, 1924).
Milton R. Konvitz, Bill of Rights Reader, 5th ed. (Ithaca,
1972); idem, First Amendment Freedoms (Ithaca, 1963);
idem, Alien and Asiatic in American Law (Ithaca, 1946);
idem, Fundamental Liberties of a Free People (Ithaca, 1957);
idem, Expanding Liberties (New York, 1966). Niccolò
Machiavelli, The Historical, Political, and Diplomatic Writ-
4 vols., trans. C. E. Detmold (Boston, 1891). David
R. Mayhew, Party Loyalty among Congressmen (Cambridge,
Mass., 1966). Glenn R. Morrow, Plato's Cretan City...
(Princeton, 1960). Robert K. Murray, Red Scare (Min-
neapolis, 1955). Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo,
Loeb Classical Library (London and Cambridge,
Mass., 1914; 1960); idem, Republic, trans. F. M. Cornford
(Oxford, 1945); idem, Laws, trans. A. E. Taylor (London,
1960). H. Mark Roelofs, The Tension of Citizenship (New
York, 1957). Michael P. Rogin, The Intellectuals and
... (Cambridge, Mass., 1967). Josiah Royce, The
Philosophy of Loyalty
(New York, 1908); idem, The Problem


of Christianity, 2 vols. (New York, 1913); reprint in 1 vol.
(Chicago, 1967). Samuel A. Stouffer, Communism, Con-
formity and Civil Liberties
(New York, 1955). Telford Taylor,
Grand Inquest (New York, 1955). Rebecca West, The New
Meaning of Treason
(New York, 1964).


[See also Civil Disobedience; Democracy; Ideology; Justice;
Law, Common; Nationalism; State; Stoicism; Virtù.]