Translations, unless otherwise identified, are by George
George Perrigo Conger, Theories of Macrocosmos Micro-
cosmos in the History of Philosophy (New York, 1922).
Robert Fludd, Utriusque cosmi... (1617). Otto Gierke,
Political Theories of the Middle Ages, trans. F. W. Maitland
(Cambridge, 1900). Godefroy de Saint Victor, Microcosmus,
ed. Philippe Delhaye (Lille and Gemblous, 1951). Louis
Ginzberg, article, “Cabala,” Jewish Encyclopedia (New
York, 1902). Louis MacNeice, Astrology (Garden City, N.Y.,
1964). Pico della Mirandola, Heptaplus, in Opera omnia
(Basel, 1557). Johann Reuchlin, De arte Cabalistica, in Pico's
Opera omnia (Basel, 1557). Curt P. Richter, Biological Clocks
in Medicine and Psychiatry (Springfield, Ill., 1965). Maurice
Scève, Le Microcosme, ed. Albert Béguin (Paris, 1947). Henri
Sérouya, La Kabbale (Paris, 1947). D. P. Walker, Spiritual
and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Campanella (London,
1958). Rudolf Wittkower, Architectural Principles in the Age
of Humanism (London, 1949). Frances A. Yates, The Art
of Memory (Chicago, 1966).
[See also Allegory;
Analogy in Early Greek Thought; Anal-
ogy of the Body Politic; Anthropomorphism; Astrology;
Neo-Platonism; State.]