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Absences from Examinations  26 
Absences from Lectures  26 
Administrative Directory 
Announcement of Courses  42 
Announcements  10 
Art  43 
Assembly, General  21 
Attendance  10 
Biblical Literature  44 
Biology  45 
Biology, Blandy Experimental Farm  48 
Biology, Mountain Lake Station  46 
Board and Rooms  13 
Bu Rates, Reduced  18 
Calendar, Academic 
Certificate, Collegiate  41 
Certificate, Collegiate Professional  40 
Certificate, Extension and Renewal of  41 
Certificate, Normal Professional  37 
Certificate, Special  40 
Certificates, Virginia  37 
Chemistry  48 
Commercial Education  50 
Commercial Law  51 
Credit, College  24 
Credit, Entrance  24 
Credit, Regulations Concerning  23 
Credit, University of Virginia College  24 
Degree of Bachelor of Arts  28 
Degree of Bachelor of Science  28 
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education  31 
Degree of Master of Arts  34 
Degree of Master of Science  34 
Degrees  26 
Dormitories, Map of New  17 
Dramatic Art  51 
Economic Geography  52 
Economics  52 
Education  54 
Engineering Courses  65 
English  62 
Entrance Requirements  11 
Examinations, Special  26 
Examinations, Schedule of 
Excursions  11 
Expenses  14 
Fees  15 
Fees, Late Registration and Transfer  20 
Fees, Medical  19 
Fees, Non-Virginia Students  19 
Fees, Payment of  20 
Fees, Refund of  20 
Fees, Virginia Teachers and Students  18 
Final Exercises  21 
French  75 
German  76 
Grade  25 
Grade, Report of  25 
Graduate Studies, Admission to  33 
Graduate Work in Education  35 
Gymnasium, New Memorial  23 
History  66 
Honor System  26 
Industrial and Fine Arts  68 
Institute of Public Affairs  10 
Italian  77 
Latin  68 
Library, General  22 
Library, Heck Memorial  23 
Library Science  70 
Location  11 
Mail, Students'  23 
Mathematics  71 
Maximum and Minimum Number Session-hours  25 
Medical Attendance  20 
Medical Science  72 
Modern Foreign Language  75 
Music  77 
Nursing Education  79 
Officers of the Summer Quarter 
Parking Regulations  26 
Philosophy  79 
Physical Education  80 
Physics  82 
Political Science  82 
Pre-Legal Courses  35 
Pre-Medical Courses  36 
Psychology  83 
Railroad Rates, Reduced  18 
Recitations and Lectures, Time and
Place of 
Re-examinations  26 
Registration by Mail  22 
Registration by Mail, Procedure for  22 
Registration for Graduate Work  32 
Registration in Person  21 
Regulations in Dormitories  14 
Rest and Study Rooms  23 
Rooms and Board  13 
Rural Social Economics  84 
Session-hour  25 
Sociology  85 
Spanish  77 
Teachers' Positions  23 
Teachers' Preventorium  20 
Transcripts of Records  26 
Vesper Services, Sunday  21 
Vespers Choir  21