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Winter Physical Education B4: Indoor Games: Basketball, handball,
boxing, wrestling, etc.

Mr. Hoskins.

Winter Physical Education B5: Tap Dancing: Advanced course in tap
dancing. Prerequisite Physical Education A6 or its equivalent.

Assistant Professor Heidloff.

Spring Physical Education B6: Recreative Sports: Specially assigned
pledge work in golf, tennis, baseball, volley ball, swimming, etc.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Mr. Hoskins.

Physical Education: Special: For first- and second-year men with
physical defects, special work will be substituted for the regular floorwork courses.
Corrective class meets two hours per week in the gymnasium.

Professor Lambeth and Associate Professor Ludwig.

See Official Bulletin of the School of Physical Education for a detailed description
of all courses and for the rules and regulations governing the activities
of the School.

Bulletin is issued to each first- and second-year man at the time of registration.
Additional bulletins may be secured at the Gymnasium Office.