University of Virginia Library

The Bard addresseth, in plaintive Ditty, the Heads of the Lord knows who—painted by the Lord knows whom, and executed the Lord knows how.

Ladies and gemmen, masters, misses,
I dare not compliment your phizzes;
Indeed fit subjects for the lash of Satire—
If Truth conduct the painter's brush,
What madness bade ye hither rush,
Such melancholy, sad burlesques on Nature?—
Thou poor sour face, who seem'st to sigh
Because thou art hung up so high,
So near the window—prithee, do not growl—
Thou need'st not feel a great alarm,
Jack Ketch had done no mighty harm
If out o'window he had hung thy jowl!
And who art thou, so round and fat?—
Why didst thou quit the brewer's vat?—
But tell me, vulgar gentleman, who art?
I am no Œdipus, indeed;
And yet thy occupation read—
That is, a running footman to a cart!