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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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That flattery and sclaunder are of all wyse men to be taken hede of.


That flattery and sclaunder are of all wyse men to be taken hede of.

Rise in this life is rude reporte,
Of suche as order doe disdaine:
But who so wyll to blysse resort,
Auoyde must all their scouldinges vayne:
Regardyng in his mynde all whole,
To runne a pace and wynne the gole.
Trust not to much the faynt frendshyp
In suche as flatter for a gayn,
Ne yet the leade and lying lyp,
Lyke one lyke other is certayn.
Ye therfore ought him well to proue,
Endeuor that ye doe to loue.