University of Virginia Library

1. General Charges.

Matriculation and use of Library,  $25 00 
Dormitory Rent,  15 00 
Infirmary Fee,  7 00 

The first charge entitles the student to all the general privileges of the
University, and to the free use of the Library according to customary
regulations (see pages 62 and 70). The second is the usual cost of a
dormitory when two students lodge together (see page 69). The third
is a health insurance (see page 70). These expenses are incurred by
all students, except those living at home, against whom the last charge is
not made. (See regulations as to dormitories, page 69.)

A contingent deposit of $10 is also required of all. This is liable to
assessment for violation of the rules of the Library, damage to property
etc. The residue is credited in final settlement.