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Faculty in Modern Foreign Languages Department—Summer Quarter

French  German  Spanish 
Mr. Graham  Mr. Faulkner  Dr. Bardin 
Mr. Abbot  Mr. Knight 
Mr. Lehman  Mr. Rhodes 
Mr. Smith 

A full year's instruction is offered in the following:

French A1. 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30. Every day except Saturday. R. I.

German A1. 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30. Every day except Saturday.
C. H. 102.

Spanish A1. 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30. Every day except Saturday.
P. L. B.

French B1. 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
9:30 on Friday. R. I.

Spanish B1. 9:30, 11:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday; 9:30 on Friday. P. L. B.

The following regulations govern all A1 and B1 courses in Modern
Foreign Languages:

Students registered for an A1 course are not allowed to carry any other

Students registered for a B1 course are not allowed to carry more
than one other course in each term.

Students taking an A1 course are required to attend three hours a
day of lectures for five days in each week.

Students taking a B1 course are required to attend two hours a
day of lectures for four days of the week, and one hour a day of lectures
one day of the week.


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The work in these courses is divided into three terms, beginning
June 20th, and no term will be repeated. Students desiring to register
for the 1st term are required to do so on or before June 20th.
Those who wish to register for the 2nd term will be required to do
so on July 13th. Those who wish to register for the 3rd term will
be required to do so on August 8th.

Students having no knowledge of the language may register for
the 1st term of the A1 course. Students who have completed the
1st term's work, or its equivalent, of the A1 course may register for
the second term. Students who have completed the 1st and 2nd
terms' work of the A1 course, or their equivalent, may register for
the 3rd term.

Students who have completed the entire A1 course in a language,
or its equivalent, may register for the 1st term of the B1 course of
that language. Students who have completed the 1st term's work,
or its equivalent, of a B1 course may register for the 2nd term.
Students who have completed the first and 2nd terms' work, or their
equivalent, of a B1 course may register for the 3rd term.

Under no circumstances will a student be admitted to the 2nd or
3rd term classes in any language until the prerequisites have been

Three session-hours credit is given for each A1 or B1 course; but
no session-hour credit will be granted to be counted toward a degree
in the University of Virginia until the full three terms' work in an
A1 or B1 course is successfully completed.

French AI. For students offering less than three units of French for
entrance. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation, conversation,
composition, and a thorough study of the French verb.
French is spoken in the class room during the latter part of the
session. (B.A. and B.S. credit, three session-hours for those
who have offered less than three units of French for entrance.)

German A1. For students offering less than three units of German
for entrance. Elementary grammar, composition, dictation,
reading and conversation. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours
for those who have offered less than three units of German
for entrance.)

Spanish A1. For students offering less than three units of Spanish
for entrance. This course comprises dictation, pronunciation,
composition and conversation, and a thorough study of the verb.
Spanish is spoken in the class room during the latter part of the
session. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours for those who
have offered less than three units of Spanish for entrance.)

French B1. French A1 or three entrance units of French prerequisite.

In this course there are studied the Roman d'Aventure: Verne; Dumas; About;
etc. dictee, resumes. (B.A. or B.S. credit, three session-hours.)

Spanish B1. Spanish A1 or three entrance units of Spanish prerequisite.

The work of this course consists of a detailed study of Spanish grammar, unseen
dictation, reading of advanced texts, correspondence and conversation. During the
latter part of the session the course will be conducted mainly in Spanish. (B.A. or
B.S. credit, three session-hours).


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For the summer of 1927, the following graduate work is offered
in Modern Foreign Languages:

Beginning June 21st and ending July 25th, one term of French C
will be offered (30 hours).

Beginning July 25th and ending September 1st, one term of Spanish
C will be offered (30 hours).

In order to obtain full credit towards a degree, the 2nd and 3rd
terms of French C or of Spanish C1, totalling 60 hours, must be completed
by the student.

For admission into French C, French B1 and French B2 (as described
in the catalog of the winter session
), or their equivalent, prerequisite.

For admission into Spanish C, Spanish B1 and Spanish B2 (as described
in the catalog of the winter session
), or their equivalent, prerequisite.

Students registered for graduate courses in Modern Foreign Languages
are not allowed to undertake any other work in the summer
quarter at the same time. But students who are registered in
courses during the regular first term of the Summer Quarter may complete
these courses, undertaking at the same time the first week's work
of Spanish C (beginning July 25th). After June 21st, any student registered
in French C who is registered for any other course will be
dropped from French C. After August 1st, any student registered
in Spanish C who is registered in any other course will be dropped
from Spanish C.

Instruction in French C and Spanish C is given for two hours (not
successive) a day, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week for
five weeks, a total of 30 hours, exclusive of examination days.

French C. French B1 and B2, or their equivalent, prerequisite. Beginning
June 21st and ending July 25th. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday; 9:30 to 11:30; S. B. 5. Mr. Lehman.

This course is the equivalent of the first term of a C course of the winter session.
A survey of twentieth century French Literature. In this course there will
be considered the most outstanding writers, in all fields, and their works. Particular
attention will be given to the distinctly post-war writers and to the trend that
contemporary French literature is taking. There will be reports and a general
round table discussion on the works read.

Spanish C. Spanish B1 and B2, or their equivalents, prerequisite. Beginning
July 25th and ending September 3rd. Monday, Wednesday
and Friday; 8:30 and 10:30; S. B. 6. Dr. Bardin.

The entire course comprises the history of dramatic literature from the origins
of the Spanish theatre to the end of the Siglo de Oro, with readings from Lope de
Vega, Tirso de Molina, Ruiz de Alarcon and Pedro Calderon de la Barca. The
term offered in the Summer Quarter, 1927, corresponds to the 1st term's work, and
covers one-third of the entire work of the course.

Careful study is made of the historical and social conditions of Spain from the
middle of the fifteenth to the end of the seventeenth century. Detailed study of
the origins of the Spanish theatre, and of the development of the Spanish drama
through the work of Lope de Vega, is carried out; and five dramas of Lope are
read. The first hour each day is devoted to a lecture by the instructor; and the
second, to the presentation of short papers written by the students on topics assigned
by the instructor, and to discussions of points suggested for special examination.
All class work is conducted in Spanish.

French s66. A course in Phonetics.—Both Terms. 12:30; P. H. 2.
Credit, one session-hour for teachers. Mr. Graham.

This course is designed for teachers only; the purpose being a better pronunciation.

French s67. Conversation French.—First Term. No credit. 2 hours


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daily, to be arranged. Fee $10.00. Mlle. Antionette Billant.
(Meet for consultation 9:30; S. B. 6.)

A course in conversation and pronunciation, dealing chiefly with French life
and customs.

Note.—This class will not be offered unless as many as five students apply for it.

Spanish s67. Conversation Spanish.—Both Terms. Hours to be arranged.
Fee $10.00. Mr. Rivera. (Meet for consultation 10:30;
S. B. 6.)

A course in conversation and pronunciation, dealing chiefly with Spanish life and
and customs.

Note.—This class will not be offered unless as many as five students apply for it.