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I. Economics.

Economics B1: The Principles of Economics: (Not open to first year
students.)—First and second terms: Survey of the principles of Economics.
Third term: The bearing of these principles upon present American conditions.
Instruction will be given by lectures, assigned readings, reports and discussions.—
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Page, Associate Professor
Snavely and Mr. Davies.

Economics B2: The Growth of American Industry and Commerce:
Economics B1 prerequisite.—Economic principles as illustrated by American experience,
with a study of the influence of economic conditions upon American
social and political development. The work is mainly topical and the topics
receiving chief emphasis vary from year to year. Professor Page.

Economics B3: Money and Banking: Economics B1 prerequisite.—First
and second terms: A study of monetary systems, forms of money and monetary
standards, value of money, price level and its fluctuations, principles and theories
of banking, foreign banking systems and the national banking system. Third
term: The Federal Reserve System. Associate Professor Snavely and Mr. McNair.

Economics C1: Public Finance: Economics B1 and one other B course
in the School of Economics or Commerce and Business Administration, prerequisite.
and second terms: The general principles of public finance, with a
detailed investigation of state and local taxation. Third term: The financial institutions
and methods of the federal government. Professor Page.

Economics C2: Advanced Money and Banking: Economics B1 and one
other B course in the School of Economics or Commerce and Business Administration,
—A course of research in current problems of monetary and
banking theories. An intensive study is made of foreign currency systems, Federal
Reserve System, cyclical fluctuations in business, etc. Topics are assigned
for individual investigation and written papers and problems are required. Hours
to be arranged. Associate Professor Snavely.

Economics D1: A course of research in Economic Theory.—Hours to
to be arranged. Professor Page.

Economics D2: History of Economic Theory.—Hours to be arranged.
Associate Professor Snavely.

Economics D3: Recent Economic Theory, with special attention to problems
in the distribution of wealth.—Hours to be arranged. Professor Page and
Associate Professor Snavely.