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and Satyricall Epigrams: With Certaine Observations at Black-Fryers: By H: F: [i.e. Henry Fitzgeffrey]

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To his Lou: Chamber-Fellow, and nearest Friend Nat: Gvrlin Of Lincolnes-Inne Gent.

Nat) Counsaile me! (faith!) what wod'st haue me doe
My priuate Notes produce in publique view?
Tush! mooue me not: yet (doubtles) tis rare stuff
And may Take, why not? if so! Good inough.
How ere (Nat) Patronize it, thou canst tell,
(If ought mislike:) I meant, and wish all well.
Then, Good: or Bad: heer (Sirs!) on liking take it
If Good, 'tis I: If Bad: tis you that make it.