University of Virginia Library



Zealots, philosophers, makers of creeds,
Infidels, pantheists, makers of doubt,
Hear me, the Struggler; I lift up my voice,
I, of the universe impulse immense,
I, coexistent with time and with space.
Formless yet multiform, ever I strive,
Blazing in suns or uproarious in seas,
Torpid in worms or in tigers alert,
Lissome in lilies or stalwart in oaks,
Riotous in thunder or lyric in birds.
Shapeless yet palpable, age after age
Yearn I insatiate through world upon world,
Always by throes of supreme discontent
Harried and thwarted, from mammoth to gnat,
Balked and defeated, from grass-blade to pine.
Resolute, obstinate, still do I strive;
For the imperious purpose I hold
Millions of failures have failed to disturb.
Nay, since already, on stars that I know,
Up sheer through brute have I pushed into man.


I, the endeavour, the spirit, the will,
I that am All yet that aim to be One,
I that on boundless experiment thrive,
I, unabashed by enormous rebuff,
I, having made Man, at last shall make God.