University of Virginia Library

T. P. Carver

Real Estate—Wholesale Coal.

Among our citizens who pursue the
occupation of real estate brokers with
prosperity and success, and have earned
a well-merited reputation for the
conscientious and efficient manner in
which they handle all interests intrusted
to their hands, may be mentioned
Mr. T. P. Carver who is well
known to all our citizens. Mr. Carver
brings to bear a wide practical experience

as a business man and a large
and influential acquaintance, and is in a
position to render the most valuable
service to the public. He is an expert
on land values, and was here when
most of the city plots were laid out
and has a personal knowledge of their
exact worth. As a real estate broker
he transacts a general real estate business,
buying selling, leasing and exchanging
properties, collecting house
and ground rents and buying and
selling property of all kinds. Upon
his books are full descriptions of the
most eligible bargains available in
farm lands, city lots, dwellings, stores,
etc., and conservative investors who
rely upon his sound judgment and
judicious advice can secure a steady
income with prospective increase in
value. He has at all times some of
the very best and choicest farm lands
in the county for sale or exchange, and
he is the one to see before all others by
those in search of anything in the real
estate line. Mr. Carver's office is located
in the Rosser Building (old postoffice
building) corner of Main and Second
streets. He is a native of Albemarle
county and was in the coal business in
this city for fifteen years. At the present
time he is agent for several leading
coal shippers and from him may be
had at a short notice and the most reasonable
prices all the very best grades
of bituminous and anthracite coal.

An Italian by the name of Manoni
some forty years ago kept a confectionery
store where Rhoads & Kurtz
now conduct the "Monticello Saloon"
corner of Jefferson and Fifth streets.
Later ex-Sheriff W. Rice Burnley kept
an auction store there.

Always have distinguished friends.
Never have fools or never-do-wells for
associates. They are of no use.