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Poems and Lancashire Songs

By Edwin Waugh. Fourth Edition, With Additions

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Oh, these maund'rin' e'en,
Full o' wild meander,
After Mally Green,
Olez upo' th' wander!
Top to toe, aw'm queer;
Weel aw may one look wizzen't,
Foolish when hoo's hear—
Crazy when hoo isn 't!
Oh, these, &c.


True love—though so shy,
In a corner, creepin',
Through some slifter, sly,
Connot howd for peepin';
Cruttle ne'er so still,
Thinkin' noan's to know him—
Smoor it as he will,
Summat's sure to show him.

Oh, these, &c.
Neaw his cheeks are seen,
Flushed wi' tell-tale burnin',
Neaw, his faithful e'en,
To his darlin' turnin';


Wheer the heart will be,
Th' wits are sure to wander;
What one likes to see,
At it they mun glendur.

Oh, these, &c.
To her, neet an' day,
Still my fancy sallies,
Oh,—I dar not say,
That it's same wi' Mally's
If my yed's a foo,
T'mends it noan to skelp it,
What's a lad to do
When he connot help it?

Oh, these, &c.


If one's heart's so warm
That it's hard to bide it,
It mun come to harm,
With a foo's to guide it;
Oh, my bonny lass,
End this jinglin' blether —
Th' heart an' yed,—bith mass,
Tak it o' together!

Oh, these, &c.
Tak' my e'en, an' then,
I's know wheer to find 'em
Ne'er to rove again,
While they 'n thee to bind 'em;


Swap my love for thine,
Link 'em ne 'er to sever;
Make this heart o' mine
Hutchin' fain for ever!

Oh, these, &c.


Maunderin', wandering.

Olez, always.

Wizzen't, shrivelled.

Slifter, crevice.

Connot howd, cannot help, cannot resist.

Cruttle, crouch.

Smoor, smother.

Summat, something.

Glendur, stare.

Skelp, beat, strike, chastise.

Blether, disorderly din.

Swap, exchange.

Hutchin' fain, restlessly glad, fidgety with joy.