University of Virginia Library

High Attainments.

Lord, what shall return unto Him, from Whom all my mercies flow?


To mee to live, it Christ shall bee,
For All I do, I'l do for Thee.


My Quæstion shall bee oft beside,
How thou mayst most bee glorified!


I will not any creature love,
But in the Love of Thee above.


Thy Will I shall embrace for mine,
And every Management of Time
Shall please mee (V.) A Conformity
To Thee, shall bee my Aim and Eye.


Ejaculations shall ascend,
Not seldome from mee. (VII.) I'l attend
Occasional Reflections, and
Turn all to Gold that comes to hand.


And in particular, among
My Cares, I'll try to make my Tongue,
A Tree of Life; by speaking all
As bee accountable who seall.


But last, yea, first, of all I will
Thy Son my Surety make, and still
Implore Him, that Hee would mee bless
With Strength, as well as Righteousness.