University of Virginia Library

Virginia Safe Deposit and Trust Corporation.

A sound banking system is the backbone
of any community, and in Charlottesville,
considering the size of the
city, we are well intrenched in this
direction. The commercial and industrial
status of a neighborhood can
be judged by the condition of its banking
institutions, and our city reveals a
degree of prosperity most satisfactory
to the level headed citizens and business
men in general. Charlottesville

has four banks, all of which are supported
by a strong, healthy public
sentiment. Among these is the branch
of the Virginia Safe Deposit and Trust
Corporation, whose headquarters are
located at Alexandria, Va., and which
is one of the soundest and strongest
banking and trust institutions in Virginia.
The business of this concern
is expanding rapidly throughout the
state, and the statements of its financial
condition show that it has made
wonderful progress. The Corporation
is the successor of the Fidelity Saving
and Trust Company which was incorporated
in 1902 with a capital stock of
$50,000, and since which time has been
closely connected with the progress
and development of the city. The
bank has enjoyed a most satisfactory
business from the start, offering as it
does a secure and profitable place for
the investment of the savings of the
laboring man, the farmer, the mechanic,
and the women and children.
They can deposit their savings and
have them accumulate at interest, until
when its use becomes necessary,
they have something ready at hand
for a "rainy day". To those who have
small amounts to deposit are given
little iron banks which are taken to
their homes, and any amount can be
deposited. This method has often
been the means of laying the foundation
for what in the years that followed
became a snug little fortune, or
was that which established many in
business in a small way to become
greater as time passed on. This branch
of the V. S. D. & T. Corporation is
located in the handsome Jefferson
National Bank building, and has unsurpassed
facilities for handling accounts
of banks, corporations and individuals;
has ample capital, its management
is conservative and in the
hands of a most excellent directory, composed
of careful and successful representative
business men. They have the
benefit of the best legal advice, and
among the various lines of business the
organization is equipped and qualified
to transact are the following: They act as
executor, administrator, guardian, and
trustee, and in other fiduciary capacities,
and these accounts are kept seperate
from other branches of their business,
so that parties interested can at
any time refer to the same. The
bonding department is another important
branch of their business. They
issue fidelity, contract, official, judicial,
and all other classes of bonds, and
have agencies established in every city
and county in the State of Virginia,
and are doing a good business in this
department. Safe Deposit boxes are
for rent in their fire and burglar proof
vaults, affording absolute protection of
valuable papers, jewelry, &c., from loss
by fire or theft, and every convenience
and safeguard surrounds this department.
Wills are receipted for and
kept without charge, thus providing
against their loss after death of the
maker. A general banking business is
transacted and they pay interest at the
rate of 3 per cent. per annum on deposits
in their Savings Department.
Loans are made at current rates of interest.
High grade investment securities
are constantly on hand, and for sale
at market price. This corporation solicits
large and small accounts, and persons
contemplating making a change
in their financial connections or who
propose to open a new account will
find the corporation a satisfactory
bank to do business with. This corporation
is one of a number of enterprises
due to the efforts of Mr. C. Jones
Rixey, who is now its president. Its
authorized capital is $1,000,000, and up
to the present time branches have been
established in Gordonsville, Madison,
Dillwyn, Lovingston, Remington,
Culpeper, Herndon, Basic City, Charlottesville,
and The Plains, Virginia.
The home office of this chain of banking
institutions is located at Alexandria,
Va., and is one of the most imposing
buildings in that city. People
having business with this bank as well
as strangers visiting it for the first
time, are profuse in their admiration
of the architectural beauty of this