University of Virginia Library


  • 1. Give an outline of the condition of Virginia after the Civil War,
    and of the steps that led to the appointment of a provisional

  • 2. Why was she refused readmission into the Union, and under what
    rule was she placed by Congress?

  • 3. Why did the administration of the government fall into the hands
    of "Carpet-baggers" and "Scallawags," and what is said of their

  • 4. When did Virginia reënter the Union, and what change did this
    bring in the administration of her government?

  • 5. What object did the United States government have in establishing


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    the Freedmen's Bureau, and what false expectation did it
    cause among the negroes?

  • 6. How long had the plantation system existed, and what caused its

  • 7. What spirit have the Virginians always shown, and how did it
    manifest itself during the Reconstruction period?

  • 8. How did General Lee, by his example, keep many Virginians from
    leaving the state? How and where did he spend his last years?

  • 9. Give an outline of the progress of education from colonial days to
    the present time.

  • 10. What did the state debt cause among the people, and when was it
    finally settled?

  • 11. Give the history of the present Confederate museum at Richmond.

  • 12. Give the resources of the state, and tell what Matthew Fontaine
    Maury says.

  • 13. In what ways is the progress of the state shown?

  • 14. Explain the reason why literature did not flourish before the Civil
    War, and give its present outlook.

  • 15. In what does the Old Dominion especially honor some of her
    distinguished sons?

  • 16. What qualities do the Virginians continue to display, and what is
    predicted of their future?