University of Virginia Library


  • 1. Describe the Capitol disaster.

  • 2. What did General Lee believe to be the duty of all who wished to
    take part in the restoration of the state?

  • 3. What position did he accept at the close of the war?

  • 4. When did he die, and what is said of him?

  • 5. Was education encouraged in colonial days?

  • 6. What did Governor Berkeley say in regard to free schools?

  • 7. When was the present public school system established, and what
    is said of it?

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  • 8. Mention some of the schools and colleges for higher education.

  • 9. What was the Yorktown Centennial, and when was it held?

  • 10. What is said of the state debt?

  • 11. How was Virginia represented at the World's Fair?

  • 12. What was the "White House of the Confederacy," and for what is
    it now used?

  • 13. What is said of the patriotism of Virginia women?

  • 14. Name the patriotic societies that are sustained by them.

  • 15. Give the names of the governors since the war.

  • 16. Mention some of the resources of the state.

  • 17. What does Matthew Fontaine Maury say of the state?

  • 18. Mention some of the branches of industry which indicate her

  • 19. What is said of the development of literature?

  • 20. How did the plantation system retard its growth?

  • 21. To what professions did the young men turn, and why?

  • 22. What proves that there was not a want of intellectual ability?

  • 23. When did Virginia receive a quickening impulse as to literature,
    and what is said of it?

  • 24. Who was John Marshall?

  • 25. How does Virginia show that she holds her great men in remembrance?

  • 26. Mention the names of some of these to whom monuments have
    been raised.

  • 27. What can be safely predicted in regard to the future history of