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I. Public School Music Courses.

Music Education. Chorus—Entire School of Music: Both Terms. M. R.;
12:30 daily.

First Term, Mr. Fickenscher. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

One-half session-hour credit is given for this work if satisfactory.

In order to obtain credit for courses in Music, all music students will be required to
attend this course.

Music Education. Choir: First Term, Mr. Rath. Rehearsals at 7:30 to
8:30 P. M. each Wednesday. M. H.

One-half session-hour credit is offered to members for efficient work and regular attendance.

Music s6A. Music Reading and Ear Training: Both Terms. 8:30; M. H.
Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Mrs. Hilker. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Reading from the material used in the grades. Two-part reading introduced. Ear training
by use of devices and exercises. Dictation both oral and written.

Music Education s12A. Principles of Music—Suited to Rural and Intermediate
Both Terms. 8:30; M. H. Credit, one session-hour.

First Term, Miss Baird. Second Term, Mr. Acker.

Study of the rote-song, the musical scale, rhythm and measure. Use of the pitch-pipe,
corrective devices, appreciation, correlation of music with other subjects. How to direct a
class in song. Discussion of problems and use of materials suited to town as well as rural
schools. Songs for all seasons and occasions will be studied.

Music Education s2B. Material and Methods: First Term. 11:30; M. H.
Credit, one session-hour.

Miss Baird.

Development of materials and methods to be used in both rural and town schools.
Students develop and present various phases of school music to the class. Songs, tonal and
rhythmic problems emphasized.

Music s10B. Harmony: First Term. 10:30; M. R. Credit, one session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher and Mr. Wilkinson.

Students taking this course are required to have had ear training and a preliminary
knowledge of musical notation, intervals and scale formation. Also to have sufficient piano
technic to play simple chord successions.


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Scales, intervals, triads, chords of the seventh harmonic relationships and their tendencies,
voice progressions, dissonances, suspensions, sequences, cadences, pedal point and
modulation. This course will be divided into two sections if there is any demand for
advanced work.

Music s11B. Appreciation Songs—Analysis and Interpretation: First Term.
9:30; M. H. Credit, one session-hour.

Mrs. Hilker.

Study of song forms, historic and geographic setting of songs. Classification of the
voice, of instruments and of musical organizations. Study of structure of Opera and other
classic forms. Rhythmic forms, enunciation, phrasing and interpretation. Study of songs
for all seasons suited to the upper grammar grades and to rural schools.

Open to those who have completed Music s12A.

Music Education s4C. Principles of Music Education: First Term. 10:30;
M. H. One session-hour.

Mrs. Hilker.

Careful application of Psychological principles applied to Public School Music, including
use of materials suited to the grades and rural schools. This course studies the classification
of voices—and how to preserve the natural beauty of the child voice; the scope of the
Music Supervisors work, his necessary attainments, et cetera.

Music s16. The Study of the Orchestra—Lectures and Laboratory Course:
First Term. Two one and one-half hour periods per week. 4:30 to 6:30; M. R.
Credit, one-half session-hour.

Mr. Fickenscher and Mr. Wilkinson.

This course comprises a study of the principal orchestral instruments and practical demonstration
of their usage in orchestral ensemble. Special attention given to conducting with
practice in the same for music supervisors and teachers. Instrumental players are invited
to join the orchestra whether the course is taken for credit or not.

Music s17. Counterpoint: First Term. 9:30; M. R.

Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Fickenscher.

Counterpoint from the First to the Fifth Species; combined counterpoint. In order to
accommodate beginners and those who are more advanced, both strict and free counterpoint
(the latter if there are students capable of this development) will be given. It is advised
that this course be taken before Harmony-Music s10B. Both courses may be taken concurrently.

II. Applied Music Courses.

For the accommodation of students of Applied Music (Piano, Voice, Violin)
a cottage, located behind the University Chapel and known as "The Chateau," has
been equipped with pianos, and practice periods may be arranged for immediately
after registration in one of the classes listed below.

Terms: $5.00 for one daily practice hour during the first term of six weeks,
$2.50 for each additional hour.

Music s24. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in Technic and Interpretation.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s25. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in sight reading and ensemble playing.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s26. Piano: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in teaching methods.

Fee for private lessons $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week.

Fee for class lessons according to the size of the class.


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Music s27. Violin: Hours to be arranged. M. R. First Term.

Mr. Wilkinson and Assistant.

Courses for beginners, advanced students and teachers, based upon the most modern
acquisitions of violin technique as exemplified in the performances of our present day master

Fundamental subjects, of interest to teachers as well as students, such as the correct
principles of holding the violin and bow, basic forms of left and right hand technique, best
methods of practicing, study material, the vibrato as a requisite for the production of a
beautiful tone, the study of tone colors, theory of applied technique, etc., are included.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $48.00. One half-hour lesson per
week, fee $30.00 per term.

Music s28. Organ: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in practical Church music. The splendid organ in Cabell Hall will be available
for instruction.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s29. Organ: Hours to be arranged. The Chapel. First Term.

Mr. Rath.

Course in artistic organ playing. The splendid organ in Cabell Hall will be available
for instruction.

Fee for course, $36.00 for two half-hour lessons a week. $20.00 for one half-hour lesson
a week.

Music s30. Voice: Hours to be arranged. First Term.

Mr. Fickenscher.

Voice building, interpretation, song and opera repertoire.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $48.00 per term. One half-hour
lesson per week, fee $30.00 per term.

Class lessons: Two-hour lessons per week, three in class, fee $35.00 each per term; four
in class, fee $28.00 each per term.

Music s31. Voice: Hours to be arranged. First Term.

Mrs. Fickenscher.

Breath control, diction; standard songs used as basis for instruction.

Private lessons: Two half-hour lessons per week, fee $36.00. One half-hour lesson per
week, fee $20.00.

Class lessons: Two-hour lessons per week, three in class, fee $25.00 each per term;
four in class, fee $19.00 each per term.

Note.—Music 30 and 31 will be given in the second term if a sufficient number of
students apply for such courses.