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See "Rerum Indicarum."


Strabo, lib. xvi.


Strabo, lib. xvi.


These gave them an aversion to strangers.


Pliny, lib. ii, cap. 67, lib. vi, caps. 9 and 13; Strabo, lib. xi., p. 507; Arrian, "De Expedit. Alex.," lib. iii, p 74, lib. v, p. 104.


Arrian, "De Expedit. Alex.," lib. vii.


Pliny, lib. ii, cap. 67.


See the Czar's Chart.


Pliny, lib. vi, cap. 17.


Book xv.


Apollonius Adrumatinus in Strabo, lib. xi.


The Macedonians of Bactria, India, and Ariana, having separated themselves from Syria, formed a great state.


Book vi, cap. 23.




"Sigertidis regnum," lib. xi.


The monsoons blow part of the year from one quarter, and part from another; the trade winds blow the whole year round from the same quarter.


Book vi, cap. 23.


Herodotus, "Melpomene," lib. iv, cap. 44.


Pliny, lib. vi, cap. 23.




Book xv.


Pliny, lib. vi. 23.


Book xv.