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Through whatsoever part of Heav'n we pass
We find the Marks of Galilæa's Glass;
Sol's Motions are so clearly known,
As if 'thad been his ancient Home;
He knew where ev'ry Planet lies,
And trac'd them thro' the Chambers of the Skies.


I'll then be gone, I dread to stay at home,
With Drake's Ship rigg'd, about the World I'll
I will discover something more roam;
Than what has been known heretofore;
Wings for my Journey I'll prepare,
I'll search the unknown Waves, the Earth, the Air.


I'll touch each Pole, I'll cut the burning Line,
I'll search the Limits of the utmost Clime,


Till Loves great Kingdom I descry,
Which in some hidden World must lye:
Cowley Loves first Columbus was, and he
Who best can trace his Footsteps next shall be.


Thus whilst I sail, my Hopes encrease to see
The presence of some gracious Deity,
Who might his Influence bestow
To steer my Vessel here below;
Through various Seas my Ship must ride,
Propitious Love rule thou the Winds and Tide.


But after all my Search, suppose I found
The way that leads me to this happy Ground;
Grant her Metropolis I see
Swimming in Pride and gayety;
Yet after all, what are my Gains,
Should I like prying Spies be bound in Chains?



There Beauty's always fresh and can't decline,
Her Form defies the eating Moths of Time;
No Tyrant in their Kingdom reigns,
None there of Falshood e're complains,
All Lovers are united there,
And dance and revel in that blessed Sphere.


What Bliss is this? what would I give to be
A priviledg'd Member of this Society?
This consummates a Lover's Bliss,
If there be Elyzium, sure its this:
But yet I fear my Fate will be,
Ive searcht this Place for others, not for me.