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Natures Embassie

Or, The Wilde-mans Measvres: Danced naked by twelve Satyres, with sundry others continued in the next Section [by Richard Brathwait]

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A Pean of thanksgiving for our long enioyed peace vnder a gracious Soueraigne.

Peace, Plentie, Pleasure,
Honour, Harbour, Health,
Peace, to encrease
In substance and in wealth;
Plentie, to praise,
Heauens Soueraigne the more,
Pleasure, to solace vs
Amidst our store,
Honour, to guerdon
Merit in our time,
Harbour, to fit
Each vnder his owne vine,
Health, to enioy
A blessing so deuine,
Deriu'd from Iesses roote
And Dauids line.


Health, Harbour, Honour,
Pleasure, Plentie, Peace,
Which from our Soueraigne
Haue their prime increase;
Health, to performe
Our distinct offices,
Harbour to shroud vs
From extremities,
Honour, to crowne
The temples of desert,
Pleasure, to cheare
The intellectuall part,
Plentie, to store
Our hopes with all successe,
Peace, to accomplish
Our full happinesse.
All which, by heauens hand powr'd on Albyon,
Make vp a Catalogue to looke vpon;
That for so many quiet Halcyon dayes,
Her precioust prize, might be her Makers praise.
Pacis, honoris, amoris, Edena Britannica nostri, Regeregente bono, leta trophæa gerit.