University of Virginia Library


Qualifications for Enrollment: Applicants must be registered nurses,
graduates of schools of nursing of approved standards, and in addition must
meet the regular entrance requirements of the University by certificate from
an accredited high school or private secondary school, giving the equivalent
of four years of satisfactory high school work.

Registered nurses not having University matriculation requirements may
register as special students without credit upon recommendation of the
School of Nursing Education.

Those interested in enrollment should file with Miss Louise Oates, Head
of the Cabaniss Memorial School of Nursing Education, University of Virginia,
not later than June 1st, a Certificate of Preparation made on blank
form furnished upon request. In addition, a special blank giving applicant's
professional training and experience will be required of all students.


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Nursing Education sB2: The Curriculum in Schools of Nursing: First
Term. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30; P. H. 4b. Credit, 3 session-hours.

Miss Oates.

This course deals with the construction of curricula for schools of nursing of varied
types, the aims that determine the content, the selection and arrangement of subjects and a
consideration of method suitable to different subjects. It includes also discussion of classroom
management and equipment, text and reference books, types of examination and ways
of grading.

Nursing Education sB4: Supervision in Hospitals and Schools of Nursing:
First Term. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30; S. S. B. 4. Credit, 3 session-hours.

Miss Hollo.

A course designed primarily for supervisors and head nurses giving a general knowledge
of hospital and nursing school management and organization. It will deal with the
more common problems encountered in the direction of ward or department, with the
principles underlying effective supervision and with the teaching of student nurses through
the proper correlation of classroom and ward experience.