University of Virginia Library

The Great Booby.

My mammy call'd me pretty lad 'cause I'd a roguish look,
At tops and marbles beat each lad, but never learnt my book;
My daddy fed me wi' treacle bread, put sugar in my tea,
But my A B C I ne'er cou'd learn, like a great Booby.
Com'd home from school, wi' dad I went to plough the fields about,
I cried gee for off, and off for who't, so I cou'd make nought out:
Dad took the whip to learn I to drive, he cou'd make nought of me,
Then he leather'd me sore, 'till I loudly did roar, like a great Booby.
Scarce turn'd sixteen, I left my dad, for genus ne'er can fail,
My genus led me not to books, it led to drinking ale;
To this town I am come, but the folks do me hum, to be sure they make mighty free,
Silly Billy they call me, and softly Sam, and a great Booby.
A river once I had to cross, and, sure, I was near dead,
Boat chuck'd me out, I swam about, just like a lump of lead;
By the hair of the head they lug'd me out, and thus they said to me,
It is not thy fortune to be drown'd, thou great Booby.
As volunteer I went to drill, as bold as any lion,
The Mounseers ne'er will dare to come, for, dang 'em, we defy 'em;
For volenteers all, to this motto will stand, Britons will be free,
And he that do fear Bonaparte will come here, is a great Booby.
I larn'd to ride with cavalry, but soon I tumbled o'er,
When I got up on the wrong side, they'd let me ride no more;
Both left and reet I shifted my feet, they said I were rickety,
Neither walk nor ride, so they shov'd me aside, like a great Booby.

Shou'd I get wed, for wed I must, when I find out a lass,
She'll meet a pratty lad, I trust, if she's got plenty of brass;
I've seen you before, says I, Dolly, my love, you're just such a beauty as me.
“You may see me behind” says she (slapping my chops) “thou great Booby.”
Some players shew'd in our town, in spangled cloaths and sandals,
I ax'd their meister for a place, he bad me snuff the candles;
One benefit night, I sang 'em a song, the folks all laugh'd at me,
They said I were like Jem Robertson, a great Booby.
I'm not cut out for tragedy, but that you see's no rule,
For nature will be nature still, so I can act the fool:
The place that I got I detarmin'd to keep, it so delighted me!
And every year, I'll come and sing here, like a great Booby.