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RESOLVED, the Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors approves changes to the Manual of the Board to shorten the term of Rector to two years; to create the office of Vice Rector who would serve for two years, concurrent with the term of the Rector, and who would succeed the Rector after two years; to set the date of the first election of the Rector and Vice Rector, under these terms, for the April 2003 meeting of the Board of Visitors; to set subsequent elections,beginning in 2005, for that meeting of the full Board held closest to June 30th; and to establish the term of office for both positions to commence in April 2003, and to end on June 30, 2005, with terms after that date to run from July 1, for two years to June 30.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Executive Committee approves conforming changes to the Manual to reflect the changes hereinabove authorized.

FURTHER, all changes to the Manual enumerated in this Resolution are shown in Attachment A.

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RESOLVED, the University is authorized to take such other and further action as may be necessary or appropriate to seek in the current session of the General Assembly an amendment to Chapter 9, Sections 23-74 and 23-75 of the Code of Virginia, consistent with the changes approved in the attached Resolution.

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The Rector then asked the President to give his customary report.

The President told the Board about meetings with alumni groups around the country in preparation for the next Capital Campaign, as well as meetings with alumni groups in the state to discuss the University's budget situation. He mentioned several honors and awards that have come to members of the University community: a Mitchell Scholarship, the first awarded to a student or alumnus of the University, to Mr. John Kiess, who took a B.A. from the College in 2001; the Public Service Group Achievement Award (from NASA) to Mr. Swap and his research team in the Department of Environmental Sciences; the appointment of Mr. Zelikow, Director of the Miller Center, as Executive Director of the federal 9/11 Commission; and the Mellon Distinguished Achievement Award to Mr. McGann of the English Department.

The President noted the death, on December 21, 2002, of Mr. Champ Clark, former Member of the Board of Visitors and former member of the faculty, and he paid special recognition to the four Members of the Board whose terms expire this winter — Ms. Twohy and Mrs. Holland and Messrs. Ackerly and Greer.

Turning to his usual report on gifts and grants, the President summarized gifts made between the beginning of the current fiscal year in July and November 30, 2002. Private giving in this period was $140.7million, an increase of $57.4 million or over 68% from the same period last year. Pledges and other commitments bring the total to $160.9 million.


The President noted the bequest of $111 million of the late David A. Harrison, III, of Prince George County, who died on June 8, 2002. The bequest is allocated as a $47.2 million deferred gift, to be realized in 25 years; $34.8 million to the School of Law; $20.3 million to the School of Medicine; $5.8 million to the Athletics Department; and $3.1 million to fulfill a pledge to the University Library. He noted other gifts and pledges, including an anonymous $10 million pledge to the McIntire School of Commerce Foundation for its building campaign.

On motion, the Gifts and Grants Report was accepted by the Board.

The meeting of the full Board was recessed at 9:10 a.m., for the meeting of the Audit Committee.

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The Board resumed meeting, in Open Session, as the full Board at 9:50 a.m.; all Members present at the earlier session were present.

The Rector introduced Mr. William de Jong, Director of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention in Boston; Mr. de Jong presented Mr. Casteen with the Center's first Presidents Leadership Grant Award. The award was made to commend, as Mr. de Jong said, the approach taken to addressing high-risk drinking at the University.

The Board recessed its meeting as the full Board at 10:05 a.m., for the meeting of the Finance Committee.

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The Board resumed meeting, in Open Session, as the full Board at 11:40 a.m., to hear a report from the President and Mr. Farrell on the progress of the University's legislative initiatives in the current Session of the General Assembly. The Board recessed at 12:00 noon for lunch.

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The Board resumed meeting, in Open Session, as the full Board at 1:20 p.m.; all Members present in the morning, with the addition of Messrs. Glazer and Ross, were present.

The Rector asked for a vote to consider an additional item not on the published Agenda. On motion, the following resolution was adopted.