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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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Wills Drug Company.


Wills Drug Company.

In 1853, just fifty-three years ago,
Mr. F. M. Wills, president of the Wills
Drug Company, entered the drug business
in this city. It will surprise
many to learn that this active, energetic
gentleman has been actively engaged
in the drug business longer than
any other man in the United States.
But mere length of service is not
enough; the main thing after all is the
value of a man's work, and this has

been clearly demonstrated in two
ways:—first, by the confidence of the
people who have had large opportunities
for judging, and second:—by the
quality of the preparations manufactured.
By either measure when weighed
in the balance, Mr. Wills is found
not wanting. Hundreds of people in
this vicinity have become so imbued
with a feeling of safety in intrusting
their prescriptions to his care that
they would not know where to turn
without him. And, surely, half a
century of correct work is enough to
inspire confidence. But even more
certain as a guide to worth are the
preparations which this company
manufactures, for they are the results
of years of thought, of experiment, of
painstaking and skilled labor, and
more than all the rest, of years of intelligent
observation of the action of
the various compounds as remedies for
the ills that flesh is heir to. Under
these circumstances it is not surprising
that many of these preparations
have proved of such great value that
they are sold in many states of the
Union, mail orders from patrons at a
distance receiving special and prompt
attention. In these days of nostrums,
quacks and fakes, it is refreshing to
find a firm whose reputation for fair
dealing and honest medicines enables
us to use with confidence any preparation
bearing their name. Among the
preparations which have proved so
acceptable and efficacious we only
mention a few. Wills' Compound,
White Pine Cough Syrup, a valuable
remedy for cough, colds and similar
affections, Aperient Liquid Phospho
Soda, Wills' Quick Cure for internal
and external pains, Randolph's Antiseptic
Dyspepsia Pills, Wills' Magic
Liniment, Wills' Vermifuge, Wills'
Flavoring Extracts, and many others
that are prepared under the direct
supervision of Mr. Wills, guaranteeing
purity and accuracy in every detail.

Let us not forget to mention right
here that Scottsville, Albemarle
County is the home of the Hon.
Thomas S. Martin, the dauntless and
brilliant United States Senator. Oh
Albemarle, Albemarle where doth thy
fame end?