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  • 1. What did Grant do in the autumn and winter of 1865?

  • 2. What was the condition of Lee's army at this time, and what were
    its numbers?

  • 3. Give the steps that led to the evacuation of Richmond and

  • 4. Describe the conflagration in Richmond.

  • 5. Give an account of the surrender of Lee. When did it take

  • 6. What was the respective strength of the two armies at the time?

  • 7. How did Grant show a generous spirit?

  • 8. Describe Lee's farewell to his army.

  • 9. What followed Lee's surrender?

  • 10. When and where was President Davis imprisoned?

  • 11. Was he or any other Confederate leader ever tried?

  • 12. What did the war establish in regard to the nation?

  • 13. Why had Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863?

  • 14. After the war, what amendments were made to the Constitution?

  • 15. What was the character of the men that composed the Army of
    Northern Virginia?

  • 16. Give the tribute paid to Virginia by the Washington Republican.

  • 17. What do European critics say of Jackson's Valley Campaign and
    the Army of Northern Virginia?

  • 18. Who was Turner Ashby, and what is said of him?