University of Virginia Library


An hymn. The Right Understanding of much Affliction

Heb. XII. 5,6,11.
The Exhortation of the Lord,
With Consolation Speaks to us;
As unto Children, His Good Word,
We must Remember, Speaking Thus:
‘My Child, when God shall Chasten Thee,
‘His Chastning do thou not Contemn:
‘When Thou His Just Rebukes dost see,
‘Faint not, Rebuked under Them.
The Lord with fit Afflictions will,
Correct the Children of His Love;
He doth Himself their Father still;
By His most Wise Corrections prove.
Afflictions for the present here
The Vexed Flesh will Grievous call;
But Afterwards there will appear,
Not Grief, but Peace, the End of all.