University of Virginia Library

4. IV.

Love is a mystery.

A little friend of mine down in the country, at
Auvergne, said to me one day: “Victor, Love is
the world—it contains everything.”

She was only sixteen, this sharp-witted little girl,
and a beautiful blonde. She thought everything of

Fantine was one of those women who do wrong in
the most virtuous and touching manner. This is a
peculiarity of French grisettes.

You are an Englishman, and you don't understand.
Learn, my friend, learn. Come to Paris and
improve your morals.

Fantine was the soul of modesty. She always
wore high-neck dresses. High-neck dresses are a
sign of modesty.


Page 129

Fantine loved Thomolyes. Why? My God!
What are you to do? It was the fault of her parents,
and she hadn't any. How shall you teach her?
You must teach the parent if you wish to educate
the child. How would you become virtuous?

Teach your grandmother!