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II. Architecture

Architectural Drawing A1: The drawing and rendering of architectural
forms with elements of architecture. One Analytique of the Beaux-Arts Institute
can be accomplished at the end of third term by an able student. Nine drafting-room
hours each week. Fee $15. (Credit, 3 session hours.)

Mr. Holsopple.

Architectural Drawing A2: Descriptive Geometry, Shades and Shadows
and Perspective. One lecture and two hours of preparation in the drafting room.
(Credit, 1 session-hour.)

Mr. Holsopple.

Architecture B1: Architectural Drawing A1, or equivalent, prerequisite.
—Problems in design, with practice in drawing and rendering. The analytiques
and esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Individual criticisms.
Fee $15. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture only.)

Professor Campbell.

Architecture B2: Architecture B1, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Problems
in Design. The Class B projects and esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute
of Design. Fee $15. (Credit, 4 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture

Professor Campbell.

Architecture B3: Architecture B2, or equivalent, prerequisite.—Problems in
advanced design. The Class A projects, including one archeology project, and
the esquisse-esquisse of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Fee $15. (Credit,
6 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture only.)

Professor Campbell.

Architecture C1: Architecture B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The historical
study with measurements and the drawing of a work of Architecture in Virginia
of the Colonial or Federal period. (1, 2 or 3 session-hours, M.S. credit
according to the difficulty of the subject chosen.)

Professor Campbell and Mr. Holsopple.


Page 193

Architecture C2: Architecture B3, or equivalent, prerequisite.—The Class
A, and prize competitions of the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design for the first and
second terms, and the thesis design for the third term. (M.S. credit, 8 sessionhours.)

Professor Campbell.

Architectural Construction B1: The technique of building construction, including
the study of materials and methods. Practice in the preparation of
workings and details. Wood, masonry, and steel structures. Two lectures and
six hours of drawing each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B2: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.—A
continuation of Architectural Construction B1, including the preparation
of working drawings and specifications for more complex structures than
those studied in the previous course. Two lectures and six hours of drawing
each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours for B.S. in Architecture.) (Architectural
Construction B2 is offered alternately with Construction B3. In 1930-31 B3 will
be offered.

Assistant Professor Makielski.

Architectural Construction B3: Architectural Construction B1 prerequisite.
—A continuation of Architectural Construction B2, including a study of the
mechanical equipment of buildings, heating, lighting, sanitation, and electrical
work. Two lectures and six hours of drawing each week. (Credit, 3 session-hours
for B.S. in Architecture.) (Not offered in 1929-30.)

Assistant Professor Makielski.