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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[The fearefull Bat that lurks in stonie wall]

The fearefull Bat that lurks in stonie wall,
Flies heere and there assured of her sight,
When that she sees the signes of darksome night
Approching on, contented therewithall;
But when she spies the sunnie beames so bright,
Her fault she doth acknowledge and recall.
So novv of late to me it did befall:
For I did thinke there vvas no other light
Nor beautie then in her, vvho did inuite
My senses first to loue: but (to my thrall)
When I beheld Diana so bedight
With beauties, and such grace Angelicall,
Then by and by I knevv that heeretofore
I plainly err'd: but neuer could doe more.