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  • 1. Describe the raid of Kilpatrick and Dahlgren.

  • 2. Who was Ulysses S. Grant, and for what was he noted?

  • 3. What was Grant's "Hammering Campaign"?

  • 4. Describe the battles of the Wilderness. Give relative strength of
    the two armies.

  • 5. What occurred at Cold Harbor?

  • 6. What is said of Lee's generalship?

  • 7. How did Beauregard render Butler harmless?

  • 8. What did Grant say of Butler's army?

  • 9. Describe the gallant conduct of the cadets of the Virginia Military
    Institute, at New Market.

  • 10. Describe Hunter's campaign in the Valley.

  • 11. What vandalism did he commit at Lexington?

  • 12. By whom was he met, and defeated?

  • 13. Why did not Early continue his march, and attack Washington?

  • 14. Whom did Grant send to defeat Early, and with how many men?

  • 15. What did Sheridan do in the Valley, and what assertion did he

  • 16. What did Grant hope to do on crossing the James?

  • 17. How were his first assaults repulsed?

  • 18. Give an account of the Petersburg mine.

  • 19. How did it recoil upon the Federals?

  • 20. What did Grant say of it?

  • 21. What did the reelection of Lincoln show the South?

  • 22. To what limits had the Confederacy been reduced at the end of

  • 23. What was Sherman now preparing to do?

  • 24. What is said of the resources of the Confederacy?