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Latin A1: Latin A, B, C, and D of the entrance requirements prerequisite.
I. In Language: General grammar, with oral and written exercises. II. In
Literature: Sallust, Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline; Virgil, Æneid,
Books VII-XII,
and selections from Ovid, Metamorphoses and Tristia; Cicero,
Old Age and Friendship. III. In Life: The public and private life of the
Romans. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Two sections.

Professor Montgomery and Mr. Thompson.

Latin B1: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General grammar, with
oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Suetonius, Lives of Julius and
Cicero, Selections from The Letters and Philosophical Works; Caesar,
Selections from The Gallic Wars, Books V-VII, and The Civil Wars; The Elegiac
Poets. III. In Life: The Religion of the Romans. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Montgomery and Mr. Thompson.

Latin B2: Latin A1 prerequisite.—I. In Language: General grammar, with
oral and written exercises. II. In Literature: Livy, Books I and XXI; Selections
from The Annalists and Early Historians; Plautus, Two Plays; Terence, Two
Plays; Selections from Horace, Odes and Epodes. III. In Life: The Religion of


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the Romans (continued), and elements of Roman Art. (B.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Montgomery, Professor Lehman and Mr. Thompson.

Latin C1: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: Historical development
of the Latin Language, with oral and written exercises. II. In Literature:
Selections from Seneca, Petronius, and Pliny's Letters; from Tacitus' Histories
and Annals; from Juvenal; from Quintilian; and from selected authors
down to Boethius. III. In Life: The life and philosophic thought of the Roman
Empire. (M.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Montgomery or Professor Lehman.

Latin C2: Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.—I. In Language: Comparative
study of the successive periods of the Latin language, with oral and written
exercises. II. In Literature: Reading from selected authors in provincial, Christian,
and medieval Latinity. III. The elements of Roman epigraphy and archaeology.
IV. In Life: The struggle between pagan and Christian life and philosophy.
(M.A. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Montgomery or Professor Lehman.